“..will a rowing machine help me lose weight?” This is a common question I see asked on many different forums scattered across the web. I also get emails from visitors of Rowing Machine King, so I wanted to answer that question here publicly in case others had the same question. To answer the question. It’s Yes. Si. Oui. Ja. Sim. Ken. Sea. Jes. Hai. Ndiyo! However you say it, in whatever language, a rowing machine will definitely help you lose weight! I’ve written articles on the benefits of a rowing machine and what a rowing machine does for your body but I still get asked this question every now and then so I decided to make a whole separate post to address it. I’ve mentioned it so many times before so I don’t want to sound like a broken record, but I’m so thankful for the home rowing machine! I used to do a lot of sports and running over the years but knee pain began sidelining me. I needed to look for another form of cardiovascular exercise that didn’t kill my joints, specifically my knees and ankles, and that’s when the rowing machine stepped in! Not only did a rowing machine help me...
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