Do you feel like your rowing seat pad is a rock? Do you think it’s time to invest in a new rowing machine seat cushion? Lets take a look at a scenario. You are excited to finally get a rowing machine and you have been waiting a long time to get in shape. You’ve done the research, picked out the perfect rower, assembled it, and are ready to go! You begin rowing and everything is great. Your muscles are working and your heart rate is elevated. The calorie counter is ticking away and you begin to sweat. Then, all of a sudden after 15 minutes your butt is killing you! It hurts so bad it is hard to think about anything else and it gets to the point where you have to stop rowing! Frustrated, you get off and wait for the numbness to go away. You were just starting to really get into the workout until this happened. If this is you, do not worry! It happens to a lot of people and there is an easy fix. Buying an inexpensive rowing machine seat cushion, combined with some other techniques, can virtually eliminate any lower body pain experienced while...
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