Looking to burn more calories in less time? If so, the Inspire Fitness CR2 Cross Rower is the right machine for you! This newly designed fitness rower has bi-directional resistance to activate all the muscles in your body and have you blasting away fat in no time. While the motion is different than your normal rowing machine, the Cross Rower has the same general movements and is super easy to use! While there are tons of positives about the Inspire CR2 Rower, there are also some downsides. Please read my full Inspire CR2 Cross Rower review below to find out all the pros & cons! Table of Contents (click a title to jump ahead!) 1. Resistance Type 2. Monitor/Control Panel 3. Build Quality 4. Comfort 5. Storage 6. Capacity 7. Dimensions 8. Assembly 9. Pros and Cons 10. Consumer Reviews 11. Warranty 12. Price 13. Overall Review Resistance Type The resistance on the CR2 Cross Rower is magnetic resistance. This means the resistance is controlled by moving a magnet closer or farther away from a spinning metal flywheel. The closer the magnet is to the flywheel, the stronger the resistance. The further the magnet is away from the flywheel, the easier...
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