I get asked a lot of questions about rowing machine abs benefits and if rowing is a great workout for building better abs. While I always had my personal opinion based on how a rowing machine effected me, I decided to dig into the question to see how a rowing machine benefits abs. I reached out to different beginner rowers and asked them what specific questions they had about abs and rowing. The two questions they came up with were- “Can you get a flat, toned stomach or 6 pack from rowing?” and “What technique or exercises must be done to achieve it?” Without a doubt rowing can and will burn fat from around your mid section and does so by supplying a full-body workout that can burn up to 800 calories an hour. Throughout the rowing stroke your core and abs are engaged but the real debate is on whether abs are a primary muscle used while rowing or a secondary muscle that doesn’t receive much attention. While most rowers agree that the abs are slightly more of a secondary muscle used, I have compiled a list of ways to fully engage your core while rowing and various exercises to...
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