The Sunny Health & Fitness SF-RW5634 is considered by many to be a “great value”. While it may not have “top of the line” features, it still has great resistance, good build quality, and a super quiet rowing stroke. In a market flooded with new rowing machine models everyday, this is exactly what many consumers want! Many consumers praised how they love using it while watching TV and enjoy the low-impact exercise it provides. You get all the great features mentioned above, at an extremely affordable price! If you’re looking for a low cost magnetic rowing machine, the SF-RW5634 may be the model for you! However, there are a few features, like total capacity, that may inhibit your ability to purchase and use. Please read my full Sunny Health & Fitness SF-RW5634 review below for all the pros and cons! Table of Contents (click a title to jump ahead!) 1. Resistance Type 2. Monitor/Control Panel 3. Build Quality 4. Comfort 5. Storage 6. Capacity 7. Dimensions 8. Assembly 9. Pros and Cons 10. Consumer Reviews 11. Warranty 12. Price 13. Overall Review Resistance Type The Sunny Health & Fitness SF-RW5634 is a magnetic resistance rowing machine. This means it uses a magnet...
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